Items not showing in shortcode after install

If you are getting a totally blank page, or No Events Found message, after install there could be several reasons.

  1. You are using a caching plugin that has cached the page – try turning off or setting to developer mode, the plugin normal intergates automatically to the 10 most popular cache plugins, but yours may not be in the list.
  2. You have only just added events so they are not in the plugin cache, in the pro plugin go to settings and tick the clear cache box and save – on the free plugin you can force cache to clear by deactivating and reactivating the plugin – you wont lose settings ( unless you delete the plugin )
  3. You have invalid syntax in your shortcode – try simplifying first – e.g. [wfea]
  4. You have no data in Eventbrite- try [wfea debug="true"]  to see the data available from your linked account – this can be for instance all your events are draft – or all your events are in the past
  5. There is a plugin or theme conflict – with over 50,000 plugins it isn’t possible to test all combinations and your setup is likely to be unique – you may need to look at debugging information to identify conflicts  and

If you get no where, then from the settings page – raise a support ticket with as much debug info as you can gather.

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